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Peer victimisation in adolescents with DLD
Oncioiu, S. I., Nation, K., Lim, K. X., Pingault, J. B., & Bowes, L. (2024). Concurrent and longitudinal associations of developmental...

Trajectories of peer relations in children with DLD
Mok, P. L. H., Pickles, A., Durkin, K., & Conti-Ramsden, G. (2014). Longitudinal trajectories of peer relations in children with specific...

Social and emotional skills in children with DLD and reading difficulties
Sureda-Garcia, I., Valera-Pozo, M., Sanchez-Azanza, V., Adrover-Roig, D., & Aguilar-Mediavilla, E. (2021). Associations Between Self,...

Peer social networks and DLD
Chen, J., Justice, L. M., Rhoad‐Drogalis, A., Lin, T. J., & Sawyer, B. (2020). Social networks of children with developmental language...
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