"Many wasted months" - stakeholder views about waiting list for SLT/SLP ServicesMcGill, N., Crowe, K., & Mcleod, S. (2020). “Many wasted months”: Stakeholders’ perspectives about waiting for speech-language pathology...
What's in a label? DLD implications for advocacy, research and clinical service.McGregor, K. K., Goffman, L., Horne, A. O. V., Hogan, T. P., & Finestack, L. H. (2020). Developmental Language Disorder: Applications for...
Parent-Child Interaction Therapy and improvements in children with DLDAllen, J. and Marshall, C.R. (2011), Parent–Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) in school‐aged children with specific language impairment....
Language interventions delivered by parents Roberts, M. Y., & Kaiser, A. P. (2011). The effectiveness of parent-implemented language interventions: A meta-analysis. American ...
SLT experiences in diagnosis and assessing children with DLDThomas, S., Schulz, J., & Ryder, N. (2019). Assessment and diagnosis of Developmental Language Disorder: The experiences of speech and...
Tele-practice intervention Law, J., Dornstauder, M., Charlton, J., & Gréaux, M. (2021). Tele-practice for children and young people with communication disabilities:...
Economic costs and benefits of Speech and Language TherapyMarsh, K., Bertranou, E., Suominen, H., & Venkatachalam, M. (2010). An economic evaluation of speech and language therapy. Matrix...
Listening to professionals, children and families to improve services for DLD in schoolsGallagher, A. L., Murphy, C. A., Conway, P. F., & Perry, A. (2019). Engaging multiple stakeholders to improve speech and language therapy...